Our calling is to build a boat where people of every generation can experience God's grace like Noah's family and trust in Jesus who is our One Hope, from the overwhelming floods of life.
Our purpose is to build passionate worshipers, to build connections through love & scriptural holiness and to build bold witnesses about life with Jesus, who is our One Hope
Global Methodist Church
Our Mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.
Our Vision is to join God in a journey of bringing new life, reconciliation, and the presence of Christ to all people, and to helping each person reflect the character of Christ.
Worship Service
We are currently meeting at the Central Korean Global Methodist Church located at:
9400 Nall Avenue, Overland Park
Children's Church is available during worship service.
Refreshments are served just before and after the worship service.
9:00 AM